Posted in Year R

Year R Summer 1 Week 1

The children have settled back into school really well after their Easter break. They arrived back at school to find some giant footprints which led them to a magical beanstalk and then to a packet of giant magic beans. After much discussion the children decided that a giant had visited them and entered the school via the beanstalk! 

The children really enjoyed their Treehouse theatre visit and used their wonderful imaginations to retell stories.

We dressed and then all decided what characters our costumes reminded us of. We became bumble bees, whales, sharks, superheroes, bears, ladybugs, lions, bears, magical gems, spiders, stars, princesses, soldiers, snakes and mermaids. We then made up our own story about a mermaid family who went on an adventure.

After we had made up our story we sang songs before retelling the story of Jack and the beanstalk.

This half term we are in need of more junk modelling resources particularly toilet roll inners and kitchen roll inners.

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