Posted in Amazing Work, Year R

Week 2 and 3 in Year R!

Year R have been very busy enjoying the outside areas so far this half term. They have been lucky enough to have received some new resources and parts of the outside area have been redeveloped for them. They have worked collaboratively using the new planks and crates and have really used their imagination as well as their gross motor skills. 

The children have enjoyed planting their own sunflowers and we are now waiting to see whose will grow the tallest.. They have become planting experts and are currently busy writing their own set of apple seed instructions after harvesting the apple seeds from their own apples.

The children have become scientists and are currently testing different growing conditions for their cress seeds. They all decided where they thought their cress would grow the best from soil, stones, water and sand. We can not wait to see what they discover.

In Maths the children have been working with numbers to 20 and beyond. They have been ordering, making and representing numbers. They have also been busy adding and subtracting using number stories.

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