Posted in Mental Health, PSHE

Year 3/4’s lesson on Mindful Touch

Over the past half term, we have been focusing on our senses and how we can use our senses to calm down when our mind is all over the place! We call it the puppy mind!

Today we focused on Mindful Touch. Miss Moffat made some scented playdough for us to play with. We thought about the texture, how we could manipulate it and how it made us feel when we touched it. She also put shaving foam on the table covered in cling film. That was really fun to explore. The last class got to touch the shaving foam without the cling film and loved getting messy! The final object out to explore was Gloop also known as Oobleck. The children LOVED this.

We found out when we activate our sense of touch, this releases a hormone/chemical called oxytocin into body – the hormone of love, comfort and safety.

Looking forward to next week and Mindful Taste!