Posted in Amazing Work, School News

Year 3/4 Egyptian Day 2019

Today Year 3/4 dressed up as Ancient Egyptians as part of our topic on Ancient Egypt. There were some fabulous costumes!

We have spent today cutting wood ready for our pyramid and decorating our pyramid with hieroglyphics and Egyptian patterns. We have also made reed boats and experimented with hieroglyphics and we made a Senet board. Senet was a board game from Ancient Egypt.

Lexi- ‘I enjoyed doing the reed boats with Mrs Burgess.’

Evie-May ‘I liked using the saws with Mr Bravery!’

Abbie- ‘I loved how everyone was golden and sparkly!’

Brodie- ‘I liked having Chico with me!’

Maggie- ‘I liked that when we went to Mrs Burgess, we got to make our own Egyptian game!’

Penny- ‘I liked that some people had the same costumes because they looked like twins!’

Morgan- ‘I really enjoyed the whole day!’

Noah- ‘I enjoyed going to Mr Bravery’s class because not many people get to build stuff out of wood!’

Hanna- ‘I liked going to Mr Bravery’s class because we got to use saws to cut the wood!’

Pepa- ‘I liked measuring out my pyramid because although it was hard, Miss Moffat kept on telling us to keep trying!’

Evalyn- ‘I liked that everyone looked different!’