Posted in Amazing Work, home learning, poetry

Isolation Writing Poetry: Prompt 7

Prompt 7: My afternoon playing on the moon

My afternoon playing on the moon.
Then I realised I had a big spoon.
I played a tune with my balloon.
It floated in the air,
I really didn’t care.
But then it got stuck in my gold and shimmery hair.
Maggie, Year 3

My afternoon playing on the moon
was as awesome as being in the classroom.
I then went home and watched some cartoons.
It was so funny with lots of racoons.
But in the end I went to play in my bedroom.
Freya L, Year 3

My afternoon playing on the moon,
I saw a very big shiny pink bum baboon.
He did bottom gases that filled a gargantuan balloon.
And could fill one thousand living rooms.
This all happened in one afternoon!

Hanna, Year 3

Posted in Amazing Work, poetry

Isolation Writing Poetry: Prompt 6

Prompt 6: If only I had eight long arms

If only I had eight long arms,

I could pick up all the rubbish in Hythe and Southampton.

Maybe I could help people who are Scottish?

A few years have gone by, I still haven’t got my dream.

I know what will cheer me up! An ice cream!

Penny, Year 4


If only I had eight long arms,

then I could have eight long palms.

I could tickle all day long

while sitting in the bath and singing a happy song

having lots of fun eating a nice iced bun.

Maggie, Year 3

If only I had eight long arms 

I would stretch out and hug the world.

I would save the world from climate change.

Protect you and cool you down down down.

Hanna, Year 3

If only I had eight long arms,

then I could do four things at once.

I could write, bake, read and draw.

But a dumb guy might mistake me for a spider.

Seth, Year 4

Posted in Amazing Work, poetry

Isolation Poetry from Year 3/4: Prompt 1

A message from Mr Bravery:

A friend of mine is a writer and a poet and has come up with ten starters for you to try. I am going to send them to him and he will post up his favourites on his Instagram page. So if you fancy being Insta famous get creative with your writing. Sign off your story with the hashtag. Don’t worry I will remind you each day which one we are focusing on today.
#isolationwritingprompts Good luck!

Prompt 1- I landed on a planet with bananas the size of monkeys

I landed on a planet with bananas the size of monkeys.

The planet was green, bumpy but very funky.

What is this place? With bananas this size, there must be a giant monkey!

I turned around and saw something big which smelt super pongy.

But then I woke up, it was not a giant monkey, it was Daddy!

Hanna, Year 3

I landed on a planet with bananas the size of monkeys.
The planet was round, yellow and rather funky.

We travelled from the Bahamas to search for the giant bananas
We found them in a church and they were all very silent.

We tried to take one of the bananas back to the Bahamas
But the monkey that owned them was the size of a country!

Rihann, Year 4

I landed on a planet with bananas the size of monkeys.

Monkeys the size of trampolines.

Trampolines the size of trees.

Trees the size of houses.

Houses the size of a lovely school called Hythe Primary School.

Ethan, Year 4

I landed on a planet with bananas the size of monkeys.

It had lots and lots of astronauts in undies.

It had lions doing ballet on top of UFOs.

It had stag beetles sky-diving in lots of rows.

There were so many people wearing caps.

Others were having nice warm naps.

I went round the bend…


Seth, Year 4

I landed on a planet with bananas the size of monkeys.

The apples, oranges and pears were all really chunky!


Ella Louise, Year 3

I landed on a planet with bananas the size of monkeys and monkeys the size of bananas.
To be honest I was really impressed and hungry but I didn’t know if they were poisoned So I flew back to earth to eat an actual banana.

Joana, Year 4

I landed on a planet with bananas the size of monkeys.

They were big and yellow but not ripe enough to eat.

My belly was rumbling because I was hungry,

to reach for a banana- I had to climb a tree.

The tree was too tall for little old me. 🙂

Lucas, Year 3

I landed on a planet with bananas the size of monkeys
Bees are bigger than buses
Buses are smaller than bees
Ants are bigger than cars
Cars are bigger than ants
I’m smaller than a banana
I hope monkeys don’t eat me!

Mitchell, Year 4

I landed on a planet with bananas the size of monkeys.

The planet was orange but very nice.

There was lots of puddles filled with juice.

I stepped in good puddles, it was very juicy because I licked
my shoe!

Morgan, Year 4